Energy | Climate Focus program

Join Energy | Climate Focus program to be at the forefront of sustainable innovations. We welcome all energy, construction and climate resilience startups to the program.

Beamline, Baltic Innovation Agency and Sparkup Tartu Science Park joint accelerator offer 1-year program and up to 100,000€ worth of non-equity investment – it’s the support for product and business development to science-based teams. The accelerator is open to startups registered in Estonia* in the fields of energy, construction and climate resilience.

  1. In the energy sector, the main challenges are the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase the share of renewable energy and improve energy efficiency.
  2. In the construction sector, adaptation to climate change, including increasing the climate resilience of buildings and infrastructure, is a key challenge.
  3. In the area of climate resilience, a key challenge is the need to increase resilience to extreme weather events and climate change.

*If your company does not have a legal entity in Estonia, it is easy to obtain one using e-Residency. Beamline assists with this.

The Green Technologies Development programs aim to contribute to the green turnaround of businesses by promoting the development and dissemination of innovative green technologies to contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, adapting to climate change and increasing the productivity of natural resources in the energy, construction and climate resilience sectors.

Climate resilience includes preparedness and the ability to respond to extreme weather events, rising sea levels, rising temperatures and other climate change challenges. Support will focus on energy and resource efficiency, promoting the circular economy, new business models, digitalisation and automation.

Beamline, Baltic Innovation Agency and Sparkup Tartu Science Park acceleration program “Energy | Climate Focus” program is supported by Environmental Investment Centre (KIK) within the framework of the Estonian recovery plan from the European Union’s Recovery and Resilience Fund (RRF) and is aimed at implementing green technology development programs.


  1. A one-month pre-accelerator to assess the company’s initial climate impact and prepare the team to meet the Accelerator’s Council.
  2. We take up to 12 startups with software and/or hardware solutions to the program.
  3. Up to €100 000 worth of support for product and business development services for one startup
  4. 6-months intensive program with 6 months extra program for the most potential teams,
  5. Tailored acceleration and multiple intros with corporates and industries
  6. Participation in relevant startup events