We have years of experience working on projects with diverse goals, partners, and countries. Explore our recent key projects!

Horizon Europe HEMOS project

The HEMOS project aims to provide a solution to decarbonize ocean vessels.

Enterprise Europe Network project

Providing technology transfer, innovation, support and funding advice for stimulating international technology transfer and innovation cooperation. 

The Policy Learning Platform

The Policy Learning Platform boosts EU-wide policy learning and capitalisation on practices from regional development policies.

EIT Manufacturing GreenMA

The Green Manufacturing Accelerator (GreenMA) project helps to identify and develop innovative green manufacturing solutions in Europe to help bring the circular economy and Industry 5.0 vision to life.


The project aims to develop, share and expand innovation and entrepreneurship support capabilities in the areas of sustainable food production, circular economy and development of new green value chains.

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Integrated Baltic Ecosystem for Social Innovation (IBESI) is a Horizon Europe project aimed at raising awareness and facilitating access of Baltic States’ social entrepreneurs to the resources of local and pan-European innovation ecosystems.

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The main goal of the INFIMO project is the development of interconnected and inclusive innovation ecosystems via strategic collaboration between clusters and diverse innovation actors from Estonia, Portugal and Georgia.


Delivering training to support businesses in their twin – green and digital – transition.



BalticSeaH2 project creates a large-scale, cross-border valley around the Baltic Sea. The main valley is between southern Finland and Estonia.


H2Value will establish the first interregional green hydrogen value chain in South Estonia, Tartu region, and Northern Latvia, Vidzeme region.

Energy | Climate Focus program

We welcome all energy, construction and climate resilience startups to the program. Beamline, Baltic Innovation Agency and Sparkup Tartu Science Park joint accelerator offers 1-year program and up to 100,000€ worth of non-equity investment.


Spinner is a two-year program implemented by the Baltic Innovation Agency, Beamline, and the Ida-Viru Creative Industries Center. The program focuses on developing the entrepreneurial skills of young people in Ida-Virumaa to support the region’s just transition to a sustainable and climate-neutral economy.

Other Reference Projects

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In collaboration with the Baltic Innovation Agency, the Estonian Refugee Council invites war refugees from Ukraine who possess prior entrepreneurial experience to participate in the impactful “Boost” business development programme.


The project focuses on carrying out the first pre-accelerator programme in Saaremaa to identify and develop novel business ideas in the field of GreenTech.

Kick-starting the nascent social finance market in Estonia

Kick-starting the nascent social finance market in Estonia (SoFiMa) project supports the creation of a new social finance instrument for Estonia.

Georgian Innovation Matching Grants Programme

Peer Review of Innovation grants application and making investment committee decisions on funding. 

Digital Tallinn strategy document concept development (City of Tallinn)

Developed  the concept for Digital Tallinn strategy in line with the Tallinn 2035 strategy. The process included gathering additional input from internal (Tallinn City Office/ Strategy Centre) and external (IT-companies, Estonian ICT Cluster, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications) sources via in-depth interviews and an online workshop.

Analysis of Tartu electric bus pilot

The analysis evaluated the results from the city of Tartu e-bus pilot to assess whether it would be feasible to procure a fleet of e-buses in 2029.The analysis was done in cooperation with Mangrove OÜ. The analysis was conducted in cooperation in the framework of Interreg Baltic Sea Region project “BSR Electric”.

EST-LAT Accelerate

The EstLat-Accelerate project carried out three pre-acceleration programs to support entrepreneurship in Estonia and Latvia.

Developing the concept of Tallinn as a smart city

The aim of the project was to produce an overview of Tallinn as a smart city, conduct international benchmarking with other smart cities of similar size and set up a framework for selecting innovation projects. The analysis was conducted in the framework of Interreg Baltic Sea Region project „Smart-up BSR“. 

Facilitating product development between ICT sector and other economic sectors in Estonia (Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications/Enterprise Estonia)

Baltic Innovation Agency was responsible for developing and testing a practical matchmaking methodology for joint service/product development in which a) a company from ICT sector and b) a company from manufacturing/ other sector are both strategically engaged (facilitating emergence of potential joint business models).

Interreg Estonia-Latvia Programme Export Express – Brave Idea Support Programme

Organising mentoring actions, and bootcamps to increasing the export capacity of SMEs. 

West Pomeranian ICT Start Up Hub

Supporting internationalisation and growth of the ICT start-ups in West Pomerania, Poland.

Support to Development of the Information Communication Technology Sector in Georgia

Setting up Georgian ICT Cluster and development of Georgian national cluster programme. 

ASSET – Instant Gratification for Collective Awareness and Sustainable Consumerism

Facilitating a new form of responsible and sustainable consumerism and development of novel ICT tools. 

UPSIDE – Development of User-Driven Participatory Solutions for Innovation in Digitally-Centered Ecosystems

Increasing the competitiveness of regional ICT clusters in Eindhoven (Netherlands), Karlsruhe (Germany), Kista (Sweden), Maribor (Slovenia) and Tartu (Estonia).

Development of Estonian Smart City Cluster

Strategic development and export promotion of Smart City related ICT service and products and developing the 1st living lab (user-driven product and service development platform), in the Baltic States. 

Establishing and development of Buildit Accelerator

Formation and strategic development of an international start-up accelerator focused on ICT, Hardware and Creative Industries. 

European Cluster Excellence Initiative

Promotion of excellence in cluster management via development of training materials, and cluster benchmarking. 

European Business and Technology Centre (EBTC)

EBTC assisted business, science and research community in Europe and India to work together towards generating new business opportunities in clean technology transfer. 

INSEC – Increase Innovation and Research within Security Organisations

Increase Innovation and Research within Security Organizations by analysing the main aspects of Innovation Management in security-related operators.