Welcome to the Twinnovation Project, where innovation meets collaboration! Twinnovation project takes a unique twofold approach—delivering a specialized twin transition training program to businesses and guiding them through small-scale pilots, leading to innovative solutions in products, services, or processes. Designed for cross-border collaboration, our project partnership includes business development and innovation support organizations—Baltic Innovation Agency, Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, —and 10 dynamic SMEs: Siidrikoda, Mällona Mõis, Dipperfox, Afterone, Peruza, Sakret, Kurzemes Atslēga, Valmiermuižas alus, Baltic Satellite Service, Rāmkalni Nordeco.
One of the critical challenges for SMEs going through the digital and green transition is having adequate guidance to match their specific challenges. Hence, companies need support in understanding what the digital and green transition means to their businesses, innovative ideas, and how to turn those challenges into their benefit and gain. The state of art in Latvia and Estonia regarding the twin transition is very similar therefore a cross-border will help to ease the transition process.
Our ultimate goal is to bridge theory to practice, supporting the competitiveness of partnering SMEs and inspiring others to embark on their twin transition journey. Addressing challenges in the digital and green transition, the project focuses on helping SMEs in Latvia and Estonia adapt to changing conditions, embrace new technologies, and create innovative jobs. By fostering regional cooperation, we aspire to boost the growth and competitiveness of both countries, positioning them as hubs for digital and green innovation.
Partnering SMEs will develop and implement a twin transition action plan over 1-3 years. After finalizing the plan, they will launch an innovative pilot project in digital and/or green transition within one year. This pilot project serves as the starting point for their broader twin transition strategy, aiming for tangible outcomes and innovative solutions in processes, services, or products. The pilots aim to introduce new or improved products/services and explore innovative business models and processes aligned with their digital and green transition action plan.
The “Twinnovation” project planned results:
- 13 Organisations cooperating across borders
- 10 Pilot actions developed jointly and implemented in projects
- 10 Jointly developed solutions
- 10 Innovative solutions in product, process, service, or marketing of the SME
Project Partners
The lead partner for the project is Baltic Innovation Agency LLC. The project partners include Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Siidrikoda LLC, Mällona Mõis LLC, Dipperfox LLC, Afterone LLC, Peruza LLC, Sakret LLC, Kurzemes Atslēga AS, Valmiermuižas alus LLC, Baltic Satellite Service LLC, and Rāmkalni Nordeco LLC.
Project Implementation Period
Project Budget
The total budget of the project is €585,687.50, with a European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) contribution of €468,550.00, and co-financing by the Project Partners amounting to €117,137.50. The ERDF contribution constitutes 80% of the total project budget.
Funded by the INTERREG Estonia-Latvia Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2021-2027 (ERDF).
Read more about the program https://estlat.eu/en